The most important step to take in your technology plan is to determine how backups will be done and make sure they happen. Nothing is more devastating to a company than losing all of the information on a key computer but it is also one of the things most business owners put off. There are a number of options for backup:

Online – Online backup services run a small piece of software on your computer all of the time and backup your data constantly. These services tend to be relatively inexpensive and mean you do not have to do anything to back up your computer. Backblaze and Carbonite are two well known and highly recommended services.

You can choose to use a back up device in your office. On most external hard drives there are programs pre-loaded that will run a backup. Schedule this to be fairly often and once a month (at a minimum), check the backup to ensure the files are transferring correctly.

When determining how to handle your backups, consider how you will handle things if there was a failure. Walk through your day if your hard drive on the computer went down and you couldn’t recover anything from it. It is best to even practice this scenario in a slow time to make sure your business won’t suffer.