Every business needs a group of service providers to support their organization. These individuals will help you protect your business, protect yourself and manage it effectively.
Certified Public Accountant – Your CPA helps with financial issues and taxes. That may include determining cash flow management, new product line profitability, and auditing. Getting your CPA on board at the initial idea phase of your business will help you develop your business plan and understand the profitability of the idea. You will also plan for taxes and fees and be ahead of those issues.
Attorney – Forming a relationship with a business attorney before you need one is a smart business strategy. Having an attorney who understands what you do, why you do it and how you do it means if and when you need their guidance on a legal matter, they are better equipped to give you the best legal advice possible. A good attorney will more than pay for themselves in preventing problems while stewarding your business from the legal perspective.
Banker – Whether you need financing today, or may in the future, getting to know your banker is a smart business move. Banking, like many businesses, is just as much about relationships as anything else and a local bank will be able to do more for you if they know you.
Financial Planner – Managing money is important to all of us and business owners have additional challenges managing both their personal and business capital. Having a financial planner who understands your business helps you see things from a different perspective and see the long-term view. Looking to keep your business in the family? There is a designation specifically designed for financial planners who specialize in family business. Look for one with the designation of CFBS – Certified Family Business Specialist.