Typically, if the issue involves not enough customers getting to your sales team, it is because there is not enough focus on marketing. Marketing involves getting your company and message out to the right people so they will engage with your company. There are many ways to market but the best way to be successful is to create a marketing plan, identify your target market, and knowing where your best customers get information so you can obtain more customers just like them.
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Not Enough Customers
Organizations Here to Help
SCORE - Business planning, mentoring and advice from real business leaders.
Chambers Of Commerce
Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce - 330.723.8773
Northern Medina County Chamber Alliance - 330-225-8411
Wadsworth Chamber of Commerce - 330-336-6150
Organizations available to help businesses:
Small Business Development Center Summit Medina Business Alliance Services 526 S Main St, Suite 813 Akron 330-375-2111 http://www.akronsbdc.org/
The Medina County Workforce Development Center, 3721 Pearl Road, Medina, OH 44256 - 330-723-9675, Workforce Development Center
Medina County Visitor Bureau
Main Street Medina
Downtown Wadsworth
Better Business Bureau - BBB of Akron (330) 253-4590
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